Friday, November 30, 2007

#23 - is this the end? Or just the beginning...

Although it's been hard to find the time to get everything done, this really has been a wonderful journey.

There were a number of parts of the course which were not completely new to me but I was able to find new things to explore even within sites I already new. I keep a blog at Wordpress, so it was good to spend some time with Blogspot. Similarly, I use Google reader and Google docs so it was good to spend some time with Bloglines and Zoho. I will definitely stick with Google reader, but am going to keep going with Zoho for a while.

Of particular interest to me was Rollyo simply because I had never even heard of it before and it hadn't even occurred to me that the concept would be useful. But it is.

Another useful exercise was Technorati. I was aware of the site and what it did, but had never really played around with it. I have now registered my blog there and use it for searching blogs when I know it is blog-type information I am looking for. In the past I would have just used google.

The other wonderful thing about doing these exercises is that they have led me of on slight tangents to discover other interesting sites and applications that weren't covered in the course. It's daunting but also exciting how much useful stuff is out there.

All in all the course was fun and very worthwhile.

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