Thursday, November 8, 2007

#14 - technorati

Given the huge popularity in blogging, the development of a site dedicated to searching and tracking blogs makes sense. Technorati is one such site and probably the most popular. Many blogs are set up to automatically "ping" Technorati so it knows to index new content when blogs are updated. This ensures that it accurately reflects the constantly changing content of this medium.

There are several ways to search with Technorati. I tried a search for "learning 2.0", the default search is to search tags. The way these results are presented was discussed in an earlier post. The search can easily be modified to search entire posts. The search for items tagged "learning 2.0" returned 107 hits, while searching entire posts found 513. This is using the default option of searching blogs with "some authority" according to technorati's authority ranking. Modifying the search to include blogs with any authority ranking returned fugures of 1098 and 5047 respectively, including a number of posts that were clearly part of this program. Note also that I was searching for the phrase "learning 2.0" not individual keywords.

The results are obviously different as they reflect the fact the the content of a post may not warrant being tagged as "leanring 2.0" everytime the phrase is used. I also performed the same search using the blog directory search function on the advanced search page. This returned 352 blogs that are tagged that way.

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